Tue, May 12, 2009
Tuesday, May 12 2009
A Lasting Legacy?
A Lasting Legacy?
Commentary – 05/11/09 – Michael comments on various news stories of the week.
Hour 1: Cheney discussed the GOP’s future
Hour 2: Dinesh vs. Hitchens
Hour 3: How should society handle insane criminals?
Coping with Mother’s Day
Hour 1: Wall Street vs. Main Street
Hour 2: New book: God is Back
Hour 3: Open lines and movie reviews
The Twilight Zone
Hour 1: Howard Dean said: “we’ve had enough capitalism in the past 8 years.”
Hour 2: ADF vs an atheist debated public prayer
Hour 3: D.day
The UN’s Tunnel Vision
On Second Thought…
A Glorious Good Morning?