Tue, Mar 27, 2018
Michael Medved Show – 3/27/2018 – H1
Protests continue in Sacramento after new updates emerge about a police shooting of an unarmed African American male
Protests continue in Sacramento after new updates emerge about a police shooting of an unarmed African American male
60 minutes Stormy Daniels interview
Bill Murray wrote a column praising the student protests comparing them to Vietnam War protests
March for Our Lives Highlights
A liberal man attempts to avoid learning anything that happened to America after Nov. 8, 2016. Plus Michael reviews several new movies
Sacramento police shooting of an African American male and the protests that erupted around the city
Trump’s speech on the budget deal and John Bolton takes over as National Security Adviser.
Linda takes issue with the concept of hunting for sport.
Disagreement Day
Controversy over calling the Austin bomber: Challenged young man or terrorist