The Michael Medved Show – 05/01/09
Hour 1: Judge Souter retires
Hour 2: New book by Dan Gross: Dumb Money
Hour 3: Open lines
Hour 1: Judge Souter retires
Hour 2: New book by Dan Gross: Dumb Money
Hour 3: Open lines
Hour 1: Discussed Obama’s press conf.
Hour 2: 1st Amendment File: discussed school choice cases with the ADF
Hour 3:
Hour 1: Are we on the right or wrong track?
Hour 2: With Specter’s switch, what’s the future for the GOP
Hour 3: Hugh Hewitt
Hour 1: Specter switches parties
Hour 2: Hundreds of gays marry in Iowa.
Hour 3: Columnist Reihan Salam discussed how Obama could fail.
Hour 1: Obama is pushing a pay-as-you-go program.
Hour 2: Debate between David Howowitz and Cary Nelson about the book One-Party Classroom.
Hour 3: Rating the GOP’s first 100 days
Hour 1: Comparison of the first 100 days of Obama vs. Bush
Hour 2: Why are gun sales up?
Hour 3: Open lines and movie review
Hour 1: What has Obama accomplished so far?
Hour 2: Spoke with the ADF about 1st amendment issues
Hour 3:
Hour 1: Earth Day
Hour 2: Teenage Somali pirate faces life in prison
Hour 3: Book: I’ll Make You an Offer You Can’t Refuse by Michael Franzese
Hour 1: What should Republicans do to start winning?
Hour 2: A new study says more teens are addicted to video games.
Hour 3: Spoke with CNN’s Jack Cafferty