The Michael Medved Show – 04/22/09
Hour 1: Earth Day
Hour 2: Teenage Somali pirate faces life in prison
Hour 3: Book: I’ll Make You an Offer You Can’t Refuse by Michael Franzese
Hour 1: Earth Day
Hour 2: Teenage Somali pirate faces life in prison
Hour 3: Book: I’ll Make You an Offer You Can’t Refuse by Michael Franzese
Hour 1: What should Republicans do to start winning?
Hour 2: A new study says more teens are addicted to video games.
Hour 3: Spoke with CNN’s Jack Cafferty
Hour 1: Discussed the Republican stance on gay marriage.
Hour 2: Jon Medved discussed Iran calling Israel “most cruel and racist regime.”
Hour 3: Spoke with Joel Schwartzberg about his column Slouching Toward Fatherhood
Hour 1: What should we do after the Tea Party rallies to fix our tax system?
Hour 2: Obama releases torture memos
Hour 3: Open lines
Hour 1: Debate about living together before marriage
Hour 2: Debate about the impact of hip hop
Hour 3: Evolution debate
Hour 1: CATO’s Dan Mitchell and Ari Fleischer dicussed taxes
Hour 2: Spoke with Mark Hemstreet about his plan to save our economy
Hour 3: Congressman Shadegg about the Tea Party protests
Hour 1: DHS says recession fueling right-wing extremism
Hour 2: Ken Blackwell
Hour 3: Rudy Giuliani
Hour 1: Reforming the tax system
Hour 2: Jim Lehrer
Hour 3: Discussed a column about male depression during fatherhood.